Alltagsgeschichten (some histories of everyday life)

1992-96 • page 3 of 3


(click on images to enlarge)

17. "research" station

18. filing cabinet

19. cabinet-detail

20. research site-detail

21. installation-detail

22. framed interviews

23. framed interviews

24. framed interviews

25. DP camp

26. Funk Kaserne

27. DP disinfection

28. boat pass

29. Augsburg-c.1947

30. Augsburg-c.1947

31. Neuburg-c.1949

32. NYC-from boat

33. American aid

34. DP police

35. DP doctor

36. "foreigner" pass

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Selected historical materials included in installation - from family albums, United Nations Archives, American Friends Service Organization & elsewhere.
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