Forums and seminars

Face-to-face meetings take place on a smaller scale than national conventions. Many of them take place within a single day, some lasting only a few hours. Generally, they are local affairs, with fewer people attending. This often makes it easier to conduct, since the participants frequently know each other, and the logistics of organizing are less onerous. Educational updates are the most common reasons for such gatherings, but sometimes public feedback on policies and issues is the goal.

The Citizens' Forum Series in Canada and an Expert Briefing in Financial Literacy in the UK are two examples.

Spring 1997 The Citizens' Forum Series

"A Cross-Country Exploration of Economic, Financial, and Social Alternatives for the New Millennium. Co-sponsored by Citizens Bank of Canada and the SIO, this series of town hall meetings in Toronto (20 March 1997), Vancouver (April 17, 1997), Calgary (May 8, 1997), and Ottawa (19 June 1997) were designed to stimulate discussion of new and alternative visions of our economy and explore how Canadians can take steps to interact meaningfully with the economy, expressing their values through consumption, investment, civic participation, and at their place of work Citizens Forum Series."

Financial Literacy - an Expert Briefing [web page no longer available]

"Tuesday 9th December, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Town and Country Planning Association, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AN

This expert briefing will update UKSIF members on the latest developments in promoting Financial Literacy in the UK. Our speakers will be Amanda Jordon (NatWest Group), speaking on NatWest's initiatives, including the Campaign for Financial Literacy and Face 2 Face with Finance and Gill Nott (Chair, Personal Finance Education Group). Following the presentations, discussion will focus on how to integrate social and ethical investment concerns into financial literacy work."

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Maintained by Rory O'Brien
Last update of this page June 19, 1999