Candidate's Name: Terry KilreaWhat is your understanding of the role of the Ottawa Police Services Board (PSB)?
Candidate for: Mayor
The Ottawa Police Services Board should work with the police to make sure the police have the tools and the best equipment to do the job of keeping the Citizens of Ottawa safe!!!
1b)If elected, will you seek to be appointed as one of the three City Council representatives?
I would as I feel our citizens safety is a strong priority.
1c)If so, why would you be particularly appropriate for this appointment?
3.What policies should the PSB introduce or update concerning the policing of major events, and why?
The PSB should leave the experts do their job. The Police are trained and should be left alone to do their job but if extra funding is required. The PSB can be approached to secure that funding. Civilians have no business telling the Police how to do their job.
4.In the spirit of transparency and openness related to public business, would you support:
(b)Or should the PSB have its own Web site and the PSB proceedings be posted there?
The PSB should have its own website. We don’t want to confuse the two.
Section B: POLICY CONCERNS WITH THE PSBIn May 2002, the Citizen Panel on Policing and the Community made recommendations concerning aggressive police behaviour toward peaceful G-20 demonstrators in November 2001. According to the Ottawa Police Service's Agenda for Excellence, released in April 2002, the stated objectives of the OPS are:
- to uphold the democratic rights of all individuals to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly; and
- to ensure the safety of demonstrators and the rest of the community at major events.
- In your opinion, has the policing of major events since the November 2001 G-20 demonstrations improved?
(b)If not, what needs to be done?
The PSB should be there to make sure the Police have the tools and equipment and funding that is required for the police to do their job. The police do not need your groups approval to keep the citizens of this city safe.
(c)What should be the role of the PSB?
(d)If appointed to the PSB, how will you help?
I will not interfere with provincial jurisdiction. The police act is governed by the province.
(b)If no, will you work to establish an effective, independent and responsive complaints process here in Ottawa?
(b)changing the policy to eliminate use of these weapons by police? Why or why not?
The media do their job and show it as it happens. Should they not show these protesters throwing rocks? throwing teargas? taunting police?
- If so, in what ways can City Council contribute to a balanced perception by citizens of the rights of those who wish to express dissent in public places?
City Council should stay out of this issue and let the police do their job!!!! If it is legal, What’s the problem?
10. The Ottawa police are increasingly videotaping citizens involved in or near demonstrations, possibly violating privacy rights.
(a) Do you agree with this? If so, why?
If it is in a public place, the police are absolutely justified and it may help in further prosecution. If people are protesting legally, there should be no problem!!!
(b)If you do not agree with this, would you support the PSB, as part of its oversight responsibility, in discouraging the use of intimidating and indiscriminate taping of citizens?
No. The squatters had no business at 246 Gilmour St. and the squatters conduct was a disgrace and illegal. I commend the Ottawa Police but feel it took too long to remove the squatters!!! The Police have the right to use Force and if people choose to break the law, that is the consequences.
(b) As the MELT members are only on assignment to this group and the funding is unclear, would you push for the MELT unit to be made a permanent part of the OPS structure, i.e. with a budget and one or more permanent positions?
I will not push for one penny in funding or any positions. I do not feel this group has any place at the table or should be involved in policing. If this group wants to be involved, I feel they should take the 12 week course in Aylmer Ontario. At their own expense of $5000.00 and join the Ottawa Police Service.