Candidate's Name: Grant W. Johnston
Candidate's Ward: 4 - Kanata


What is your understanding of the role of the Ottawa Police Services Board (PSB)?
The Ottawa Police Services Board serves as a link between the community and the Ottawa Police Service, monitors and evaluates the performance of the Chief of Police, and is responsible for setting policy, objectives and goals related to policing in the City.
1b) If elected, will you seek to be appointed as one of the three City Council representatives?
Yes, I would be prepared to seek appointment to the PSB.
1c) If so, why would you be particularly appropriate for this appointment?

I am considered to be a fair-minded individual who sticks to the facts when looking at what has taken place. I am also used to identifying issues and ensuring that action is taken to correct the situation so that it does not reoccur.

Do you believe that the PSB has to date improved public trust in the police service by providing effective civilian oversight, thus assuring the community of appropriate police behaviour? Why or why not?

Answer: Yes, I believe that the PSB has improved public trust in the police service by providing effective civilian oversight. The current members of the PSB have acted in appropriate fashion to ensure accountability and updating of police policies and procedures as observations are made of situations requiring improvement. I believe that there is room for improvement in the area of evaluation of the performance of the chief of police, using an evaluation similar to that used for L.A., which can be located easily on the internet.

3. What policies should the PSB introduce or update concerning the policing of major events, and why?
It makes sense to re-route traffic for peaceful protesters, not try to pen in peaceful protesters and generally follow other policies which does not serve to increase tensions between the police and peaceful protesters. Violent protesters should be dealt with quickly so that their actions do not incite other protestors to similar actions.

4. In the spirit of transparency and openness related to public business, would you support:

posting the records of the proceedings of the PSB on the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) Web site?
(b) Or should the PSB have its own website and the PSB proceedings be posted there?

I looked up the meeting reports of the PSB on the City of Ottawa web site and read them there, so I am not sure what your issue is here as they appear to be quite open and transparent.

In May 2002, the Citizen Panel on Policing and the Community made recommendations concerning aggressive police behaviour toward peaceful G-20 demonstrators in November 2001. According to the Ottawa Police Service's Agenda for Excellence, released in April 2002, the stated objectives of the OPS are:
  1. In your opinion, has the policing of major events since the November 2001 G-20 demonstrations improved?
I have read both the 15 April 2002 report and the Chief of Police's comments dated April 16, 2002 and believe that appropriate action and explanation has taken place. I had the opportunity to talk to a couple of the police officers before the November 2001 demonstrations and also to listen to one of the protesters.
I believe that the police have acted in a responsible manner since November 2001.

If not, what needs to be done?
Not applicable.
(c) What should be the role of the PSB?
I believe that the PSB is acting in accordance with its current mandate. I would enhance the role of the PSB to take into account actions, occurring elsewhere in the world, and lessons learned and ask that they be applied locally.
(d) If appointed to the PSB, how will you help?

As stated in C above.

Ontario regulations from 1997 make this the only province in Canada to NOT allow third party complaints about police behaviour, i.e. a witness to police wrongdoing cannot file a complaint with the PSB. Ontario regulations from 1997 also put the complaints process entirely in the hands of the police (investigation, hearings, adjudication). This is a clear conflict of interest. The City of Toronto Auditor has been very critical of this situation. Will you push to have the Ontario Minister of Public Safety and Security recognize the need:

(a) for an independent review of complaints against the police?
I would have no problem with an independent review of complaints against the police as long as it is held in a fair and reasonable manner.

(b) to allow complaints to be filed by witnesses and others?

I believe that complaints should be able to be filed by witnesses and others. In order for this to work, such individuals should be prepared to submit to polygraph tests to confirm the validity of their complaints.

More than 200 complaints were made to the PSB in 2002 concerning alleged police misconduct in Ottawa. The Board found that less than 5% were substantiated.

Do you believe this percentage is valid?
It is not possible to determine whether the 5% is valid or not when you take into account reasonable doubt. Again, I would request that the police officers also be subject to a polygraph test to confirm their testimony.

If no, will you work to establish an effective, independent and responsive complaints process here in Ottawa?

See response in A above.

8. Pepper spray and tasers have potentially lethal effects. Amnesty International has expressed concerns about their use. As a member of City Council and possible member of the PSB, would you support:

making public the guidelines for the use of either of these weapons? Why or why not?
I believe that police must have the tools necessary for the performance of their responsibilities without having to place themselves at undue risk. I believe that there is no valid reason why the guidelines for their use should not be made public in a similar manner as when an officer may pull their handgun.

changing the policy to eliminate use of these weapons by police? Why or why not?

Police must have tools necessary to perform their duties and so I would not be prepared to eliminate these tools unless someone can provide them with safer (for both sides) tools.

9(a) Do you think that the media sensationalize protest activities and downplay the value of public expression of views in maintaining our democracy?
I believe that the newspapers do sensationalize things so that they can sell newspapers. You might have 20 hours of calm talk and peaceful protest, and 5 minutes of violence and it will be the 5 minutes that gets into the papers and on T.V.
(b) If so, in what ways can City Council contribute to a balanced perception by citizens of the rights of those who wish to express dissent in public places?

I believe that the PSB and politicians have a responsibility to report the 20 hours of peaceful actions and ensure that the public is fully aware that the 5 minutes was an anomaly. They should also identify where these individuals causing the problems are from outside the community and take appropriate action to bar their re-entry should they originate from outside of Canada.

10. The Ottawa police are increasingly videotaping citizens involved in or near demonstrations, possibly violating privacy rights.

Do you agree with this? If so, why?
I agree with this only in so far as the tapes are used for identification purposes and for confirmation of how an unlawful event took place. They should be destroyed immediately after there is a confirmation that they cannot be used to confirm illegal activity.
(b) If you do not agree with this, would you support the PSB, as part of its oversight responsibility, in discouraging the use of intimidating and indiscriminate taping of citizens?

Unfortunately, videotaping of events is increasing dramatically at intersections and along highways and streets across the country and this may indeed by a potential violation of our rights; however, as long as they are destroyed and not used for any other purpose, then I have no problem with their use to assist in apprehending those who have committed serious crimes.

The OPS has said that video shot of peaceful demonstrators, not needed for any criminal prosecution, is destroyed afterward. Would you support the PSB requiring a periodic report from the OPS confirming that this destruction of the images has been done within a specified timeframe?

Yes, I would agree to this confirmation of destruction.


Since the Agenda for Excellence was released as a draft document in April 2002, nothing appears to have been done to finalize the document as policy for the Ottawa Police Service. Since the PSB is responsible for establishing policing policy, whether you are on City Council or on the PSB itself, would you support setting a short deadline for having the very good principles and guidelines in the AFX incorporated as policy for the OPS?

Yes, I would agree that what was set out in the 15 April 2002 report should be included in the principles and guidelines as policy for the OPS.

13. The Major Events Liaison Team (MELT) unit was created as part of the AFX, and intended to work on improving communications between police and protestors at major events so as to defuse dangerous situations. Initially they appeared to have some success in this role. However they were not present at significant later events where violence has taken place (e.g., eviction of protestors from 246 Gilmour Street in July 2002, Algerian refugees and their supporters tasered at Minister of Immigration's office in May 2003).

(a) Would you be willing to find out more about the status of this unit and support its increased use as per its original mandate?
(b) As the MELT members are only on assignment to this group and the funding is unclear, would you push for the MELT unit to be made a permanent part of the OPS structure, i.e. with a budget and one or more permanent positions?

Again the answer is yes. We need MELT as a permanent part of the OPS structure.