Letter to the Editor
Ottawa Citizen, June 6, 2002

Hold violent protesters accountable

Re: Militants aim to 'Take the Capital,' May 30.

According to your article, the"anarchists" are coming to Ottawa, to "Take the Capital" this month to protest. They apparently are committed to using violence again as they did on their last visit. They want to protest capitalism, oppression of the masses, use of cars and anything else that strikes their fancy. This is my town, I live here and I am fed up with their pranks and the cost and inconvenience to the majority of people who live here. I want violent protesters arrested immediately and held until they pay for damages, including loss of business caused by occupation of coffee shops, etc. If they can't pay, I want them to work off their debt by doing all the cleanup. I don't want a token few arrested, held overnight and let loose the next morning with gentle admonishments to behave themselves. These people are not coming to behave they are coming with the specific intent to wilfully cause damage to our city. I want the police and government to do their jobs, which is to protect the lives and property of the people who live and work in this city

Robert John Patten,