Ottawa Police Service Draft Protests and Demonstrations Policy


The Ottawa Police Service attends protests and demonstrations when there is a breach of the peace, a violation of provincial and/or federal law, or when there is a strong suspicion that such a breach or violation may occur. Members of the OPS remain neutral and take action only after the situation has been carefully assessed.

Related Policies

Public Order Unit

Labour Relations and Disputes


1. Citizens have the legal right to demonstrate peacefully, however they are not entitled to infringe on the rights of land owners in the lawful use and enjoyment of their property.


A. Police Officer

1. Upon receiving information that a protest or demonstration is in progress or is about to take place, members shall:
a.Notify the communications operator of the:
    - location
    - size, temperament and composition of the crowd
    - reason for assembly
    - need for immediate assistance
b. confirm with the communications operator that a sergeant is attending
c. notify the officer in charge of the division concerned

2. When assigned to the scene of a protest or demonstration, members shall:

  1. become familiar with the circumstances surrounding the incident
  2. prevent any breach of the peace
  3. ensure persons and vehicles have access to the premises concerned and are not intimidated or interfered with
  4. maintain a position of impartiality in dealing with all parties involved
B. Patrol Supervisor

1. Upon receiving notification of a protest or demonstration where there is a breach of the peace, violation of provincial and/or federal law or when there is strong suspicion that such a breach or violation may occur, the Supervisor shall;
a. proceed to the scene, and assess the situation
b. advise the Platoon S/Sgt.
c. detail a sufficient number of police officers to the scene
d. emphasize to personnel assigned the need to act in an impartial manner

2. Upon receiving information that a potentially violent protest or demonstration is to take place, the Supervisor shall;
    a. arrange to have additional personnel on standby in the vicinity of the protest or demonstration, but out of view
    b. consider the use of the Public Order Unit

C. Platoon Staff Sergeant
Upon receiving notification of a protest or planned demonstration, the Platoon S/Sgt. shall;
a. notify the Duty Inspector and District Commander
b. ensure a supervisor attends the scene
c. ensure the Public Order Unit has been notified if required