U.S. Alternative Trading Organizations (ATOs)

Fair Trade Federation

Fair Trade Federation
P.O. Box 126, Barre, MA01005 USA
Tel: 508-355-0284 Fax: 508-355-6542
Executive Director: Mimi Stephens
Email: Mimi Stephens <mstephens@vax.clarku.edu>
Website: www.fairtradefederation.com

Ten Thousand Villages

Ten Thousand Villages
Email: Paul Myers <PEM@VILLAGES-MCC.ORG>
Website: www.villages.ca

Equal Exchange

Fairly traded coffee
Email: Jonathan Rosenthal <jrosenthal@equalexchange.com>
Website: www.equalexchange.com


11112 Midvale Kensington MD 20895
Tel: (301) 949-6625 Fax: (301) 949-8693
Email: Dan Salcedo <dsalcedo@peoplink.org>
Website: www.peoplelink.org


500 Main ST New Windsor MD 21776-0365
Tel: (301) 635-6464 Fax: (301) 635-8774
Website: www.serrv.org/

Global Exchange

Global Exchange
2017 Mission Street #303, San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: (415) 255-7296
Website: www.globalexchange.org
Monitors U.S. corporations in developing countries, recently focusing on Nike. Runs fair trade stores and Reality Tours.

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