January 1998
Austria |
EZA Dritte Welt, Plainbachstr. 8, 5101 Bergheim Phone: (+43) 662 452178, Fax: (+43) 662 452586, Email: eza3welt@magnet.at |
Belgium |
Magasins du Monde - Oxfam, 7a, Rue E. Michiels, 1180 Bruxelles Phone: (+32) 2 3320110, Fax: (+32) 2 3321888, Email: mdm.oxfam@skynet.be |
Oxfam Wereldwinkels, Nieuwland 37, 9000 Gent Phone: (+32) 92 230161, Fax: (+32) 92 250478, Email: oxfam-ww@ngonet.be |
France |
Solidar'Monde, 86, rue Berthie Albrecht, 94400 Vitry s/Seine Phone: (+33) 1 45736543, Fax: (+33) 1 45736542, Email: solidarmonde@wanadoo.fr |
Germany |
Gepa, P.O. Box 260147, 42243 Wuppertal Phone: (+49) 202 266830, Fax (+49) 202 2668310 |
Italy |
C.T.M., Via Macello 18, 39100 Bolzano Phone: (+39) 471 975333, Fax: (+39) 471 977599, Email: ctmbz@alpromercato.it |
Netherlands |
Fair Trade Organisatie, P.O. Box 115, Beesdseweg 5, 4100 AC Culemborg Phone: (+31) 345 545151, Fax: (+31) 345 521423, Email: post@fairtrade.antenna.nl |
Spain |
Intermon, Departamento de artesanĦa y comercio, Poligono Industrial de Alboraia No. 5, Calle No 26, Nave 6, 46120 Valencia Phone: (+34) 6 3563924, Fax: (+34) 6 3563918, Email: rsanchis@intermon.org |
IDEAS, Ronda de Tejares 1-2o, 14001 Cordoba Phone: (+34) 57 470354, Fax (34) 57 471727 |
Switzerland |
Claro LTD, P.O. Box 129, (Byfangstr. 19), CH-2552 Orpund Phone (+41) 32 3560700, Fax: (+41) 32 3560701 Email: claro.fairtrade@bluewin.ch |
United Kingdom |
Oxfam Trading, 274 Banbury Road, Oxon OX2 7DZ Phone: (+44) 1865 313129, Fax: (+44) 1869 247987, Email: fairtrad@oxfam.org.uk |
Traidcraft Plc, Kingsway, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE11ONE Phone: (+44) 191 4910591, Fax: (+44) 191 4822690, Email: traidcraft@globalnet.co.uk |
Secretariat |
E.F.T.A., Witmakersstraat 10, 6211 JB Maastricht, Netherlands Phone: (+31) 43 3256917, Fax: (+31) 43 3258433, Email: efta@antenna.nl |
EFTA Advocacy and Campaigns Office |
7a Rue E. Michiels, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium Phone: (+32) 2 3320110, Fax: (+32) 2 3321888, Email: eftaadvocacy@compuserve.com |
(International Federation for Alternative Trade) c/o 69 Observatory Street, Oxford OX2 6EP, England Phone: (+44) 1865 510980, Fax: (+44) 1865 201717, Email: cwills@ifat.org.uk |
(Fair Trade Labelling Organisations International) Poppelsdorfer Allee 17, D-53115, Germany Phone: (+49) 228-949230, Fax (+49) 228-242-1713 Email: coordination@fairtrade.net |
Secretariat Catharijnesingel 82, 3511 GP Utrecht, the Netherlands Phone: (+31) 30 2300820, Fax: (+31) 30 2300440, Email: eunews@worldonline.nl |