The structure of fair trade

In Sweden, there are several smaller organizations which import fair trade products: a range of solidarity groups, private organizations and world shops import products on their own; there is one bigger import and wholesale organization: Sackeus, which employs 12 persons and is supported by 10-15 voluntary workers.

There is also an association of world shops, USAM.

The market for fair trade

In 1994, the wholesale turnover of Sackeus was around 1 million, a growth of 10% compared to the previous year. Sackeus's retail turnover was 180,000 ECU. Sales by Sackeus consist mainly of food products (25%), followed by jewellery (20%), toys, accessories and ceramics. No exact information could be collected on the total retail market: by a very rough estimate, it could amount to 2 million ECU.

According to recent market surveys, 60% of the Swedish consumers are willing to pay a higher price for fairly traded products.

Table 1: The structure of fair trade in Sweden
import organizations: several
wholesale organizations: several
   Sackeus world shops 3
   other world shops ca. 50
points of sale: ca. 100
   Sackeus 12
trademarks: none
retail channels:
   mail order yes
   world shops yes
   commercial stores yes
   commercial chains of stores yes
budgets for education & PR: -
Table 2: The market for fair trade in Sweden
wholesale turnover: ca. 1 million ECU
   Sackeus ca. 0.18 million ECU
retail turnover:
rough estimate of the total retail market ca. 2 million ECU
public awareness of fair trade: -
public awareness of fair trade products: -
   willingness to pay a higher price: 60%
market share: -
turnover per product category:
   food: 25%
   jewellery: 20%
   toys: 16%
   ceramics: 15%
   accessories: 15%

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