A "Buen Vivir" bibliography
Bob Thomson, 17 February 2014
  1. Alberto Acosta & Eduardo Gudynas: "El buen vivir o la disolución de la idea del progreso". In Rojas, M (Ed.), La Medición Del Progreso y El Bienestar. Propuestas Desde América Latina. México DF: Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico de México. 2011
  2. ALAI, Sumak Kawsay: Recuperar el sentido de vida (Recovering a sense of life)", America Latina en Movimiento #452, Febrero 2010
  3. Xavier Albó: "To Live Well = To Coexist Well Notas 217, 10 February 2008
  4. Leonardo Boff: "The Rights of Mother Earth", Inter Press Services, Rio de Janeiro, 1 March 2010
  5. Heinrich Böll Foundation: Buen Vivir: Latin America’s new concepts for the good life and the rights of nature, July 2013 (PDF)
  6. Mark Burton: Compilation of Buen Vivir Concepts, Steady State Manchester, March 2013
  7. Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, “Pachacuti: The Historical Horizons of Internal Colonialism”, NACLA Vol.XXV No.3, December 1991
  8. Monica Chuji G., "Modernidad, desarrollo, interculturalidad y Sumak Kawsay o Buen Vivir", Ponencia presentada en el Foro Internacional sobre Interculturalidad y Desarrollo, Uribia, Colombia, 23 de mayo de 2009 English translation
  9. Pablo Davalos, Reflexiones sobre el sumak kawsay (el buen vivir) y las teorías del desarrollo, ALAI America Latina en Movimiento, 5 August 2008 - English Translation Reflections on Sumak Kawsay (good living) and theories of development
  10. Miguel D'Escoto and Leonardo Boff: "A Universal Declaration on the Common Good of the Earth and Humanity", undated (around February 2010)
  11. Thomas Fatheuer: Buen Vivir a brief introduction to Latin America’s new concepts for the good life and the rights of nature . Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2011 (PDF)
  12. FEDAEPS, Resultado de una busqueda sobre "buen vivir" en el sitio web de FEDAEPS, 136 search results!
  13. Álvaro García Linera: Indianismo and Marxism: The mismatch of two revolutionary rationales, International Journal of Socialist Review, Translated and introduced by Richard Fidler, La Paz 2005 & Mexico 2007
  14. Ernesto Garcia: "Degrowth and buen vivir (living well): a critical comparison" Presented at the International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Venice, September 2012
  15. David Graeber: “Give It Away”, In These Times, 21 August 2000. See also the work of the French network MAUSS
  16. Eduardo Gudynas, Buen Vivir: un necesario relanzamiento, AlaiNet, 14/12/10
  17. Eduardo Gudynas, Buen vivir: Germinando alternativas al desarrollo, America Latina en Movimiento #462, Febrero 2011 - English translation
  18. Eduardo Gudynas: Buen Vivir: Today’s tomorrow, Development (2011) 54(4), pp. 441–447
  19. Eduardo Gudynas: "Buen vivir: the social philosophy inspiring movements in South America", Guardian, 4 February 2013
  20. François Houtart: "Interview with François Houtart: For a general well being of humanity", Sally Burch, ALAI, February 2010.
  21. François Houtart, El concepto de sumak kawsai (buen vivir) y su correspondencia con el bien común de la humanidad, AlaiNet, 2 junio 2011
  22. Edgardo Lander: "The discourse of civil society and current decolonisation struggles in South America". In J. Heine & R. C. Thakur (eds.), The dark side of globalization  New York: United Nations University Press  2011
  23. Martha Lanza: Buen Vivir: An introduction from a women’s rights perspective in Bolivia. Toronto: Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) February 2012
  24. Irene Leon (Ed.): Sumak Kawsay, Buen Vivir y Cambios Civilizatorios, FEDAEPS, Quito, Octubre 2010
  25. Fernando Huanacuni Mamani: "Buen Vivir, Vivir Bien: Filosofia, Politicas, Estrategias y Experiencias Regionales Andinas", CAOI - Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indigenas, Lima, Fevrero 2010
  26. Guiseppe De Marzo, Buen Vivir: Para una democracia de la Tierra, Editores Plural, La Paz, March 2010, ISBN: 978-99954-1-268-5
  27. Marcel Mauss: “The Gift”, 1923 (Essai sur le don. pp. 106)
  28. Walter Mignolo, The Communal and the Decolonial, Turbulence, No. 5, December 2009
  29. Felipe Quispe Huanca, Aymara Resistance, in "World of Indigenous Resistance: Noam Chomsky and Voices from North, South, and Central America", City Lights, page 293
  30. Sarah Radcliffe, Development for a postneoliberal era? Sumak kawsay, living well and the limits to decolonization in Ecuador, Geoforum, Volume 43, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 240–249
  31. Tara Ruttenberg: "Wellbeing Economics and Buen Vivir: Development Alternatives for Inclusive Human Security", PRAXIS: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, Tufts University, VOLUME XXVIII - 2013, pp.26 (PDF)
  32. Bob Thomson, Pachakuti: Indigenous Perspectives, Buen Vivir, Sumaq Kawsay and Degrowth, Development 2011 54(4) pp. 448-454 (An earlier version and a poster, were presented at the Second International Conference on Degrowth, Barcelona, March 2010)
Leipzig Degrowth and Buen Vivir Literature Surveys
