A "Buen Vivir" bibliography
Bob Thomson, 17 February 2014
- Alberto Acosta & Eduardo Gudynas: "El buen vivir o la disolución de la idea del progreso".
In Rojas, M (Ed.), La Medición Del Progreso y El Bienestar. Propuestas
Desde América Latina. México DF: Foro Consultivo Científico y
Tecnológico de México. 2011
- ALAI, Sumak Kawsay: Recuperar el sentido de vida (Recovering a sense of life)", America Latina en Movimiento #452, Febrero 2010
- Xavier Albó: "To Live Well = To Coexist Well Notas 217, 10 February 2008
- Leonardo Boff: "The Rights of Mother Earth", Inter Press Services, Rio de Janeiro, 1 March 2010
- Heinrich Böll Foundation: Buen Vivir: Latin America’s new concepts for the good life and the rights of nature, July 2013 (PDF)
- Mark Burton: Compilation of Buen Vivir Concepts, Steady State Manchester, March 2013
- Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, “Pachacuti: The Historical Horizons of Internal Colonialism”, NACLA Vol.XXV No.3, December 1991
- Monica Chuji G., "Modernidad, desarrollo, interculturalidad y Sumak Kawsay o Buen Vivir", Ponencia presentada en el Foro Internacional sobre Interculturalidad y Desarrollo, Uribia, Colombia, 23 de mayo de 2009 English translation
- Pablo Davalos, Reflexiones sobre el sumak kawsay (el buen vivir) y las teorías del desarrollo, ALAI America Latina en Movimiento, 5 August 2008 - English Translation Reflections on Sumak Kawsay (good living) and theories of development
- Miguel D'Escoto and Leonardo Boff: "A Universal Declaration on the Common Good of the Earth and Humanity", undated (around February 2010)
- Thomas Fatheuer: Buen Vivir a brief introduction to Latin America’s new concepts for the good life and the rights of nature . Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2011 (PDF)
- FEDAEPS, Resultado de una busqueda sobre "buen vivir" en el sitio web de FEDAEPS, 136 search results!
- Álvaro García Linera: Indianismo and Marxism: The mismatch of two revolutionary rationales, International Journal of Socialist Review, Translated and introduced by Richard Fidler, La Paz 2005 & Mexico 2007
- Ernesto Garcia: "Degrowth and buen vivir (living well): a critical comparison" Presented at the International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Venice, September 2012
- David Graeber: “Give It Away”, In These Times, 21 August 2000. See also the work of the French network MAUSS
- Eduardo Gudynas, Buen Vivir: un necesario relanzamiento, AlaiNet, 14/12/10
- Eduardo Gudynas, Buen vivir: Germinando alternativas al desarrollo, America Latina en Movimiento #462, Febrero 2011 - English translation
- Eduardo Gudynas: Buen Vivir: Today’s tomorrow, Development (2011) 54(4), pp. 441–447
- Eduardo Gudynas: "Buen vivir: the social philosophy inspiring movements in South America", Guardian, 4 February 2013
- François Houtart: "Interview with François Houtart: For a general well being of humanity", Sally Burch, ALAI, February 2010.
- François Houtart, El concepto de sumak kawsai (buen vivir) y su correspondencia con el bien común de la humanidad, AlaiNet, 2 junio 2011
- Edgardo Lander: "The discourse of civil society and current decolonisation struggles in South America".
In J. Heine & R. C. Thakur (eds.), The dark side of
globalization New York: United Nations University Press
- Martha Lanza: Buen Vivir: An introduction from a women’s rights
perspective in Bolivia. Toronto: Association for Women’s Rights in
Development (AWID) February 2012
- Irene Leon (Ed.): Sumak Kawsay, Buen Vivir y Cambios Civilizatorios, FEDAEPS, Quito, Octubre 2010
- Fernando Huanacuni Mamani: "Buen Vivir, Vivir Bien: Filosofia, Politicas, Estrategias y Experiencias Regionales Andinas", CAOI - Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indigenas, Lima, Fevrero 2010
- Guiseppe De Marzo, Buen Vivir: Para una democracia de la Tierra, Editores Plural, La Paz, March 2010, ISBN: 978-99954-1-268-5
- Marcel Mauss: “The Gift”, 1923 (Essai sur le don. pp. 106)
- Walter Mignolo, The Communal and the Decolonial, Turbulence, No. 5, December 2009
- Felipe Quispe Huanca, Aymara Resistance, in "World of Indigenous Resistance: Noam Chomsky and Voices from North, South, and Central America", City Lights, page 293
- Sarah Radcliffe, Development for a postneoliberal era? Sumak kawsay, living well and the limits to decolonization in Ecuador, Geoforum, Volume 43, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 240–249
- Tara Ruttenberg: "Wellbeing Economics and Buen Vivir: Development Alternatives for Inclusive Human Security", PRAXIS: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, Tufts University, VOLUME XXVIII - 2013, pp.26 (PDF)
- Bob Thomson, Pachakuti: Indigenous Perspectives, Buen Vivir, Sumaq Kawsay and Degrowth, Development 2011 54(4) pp. 448-454 (An earlier version and a poster, were presented at the Second International Conference on Degrowth, Barcelona, March 2010)
Leipzig Degrowth and Buen Vivir Literature Surveys