Some degrowth resources
Quelques sources sur le decroissance

A draft degrowth bibliography

GoodWork / Briarpatch Bibliography

Bibliographie de "La Ligne d'Horizon" sur la Décroissance, l'Après-développement et l'Alter/anti-mondialisation

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Economic De-Growth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity

Paris, 18-19 April 2008
Full proceedings (PDF - 320 pages - English
Table of Contents

Call for papers for the Second International Conference on Degrowth
Barcelona, 26-29 March, 2010

International Conference “Growth in Transition”, Vienna, 28-29 January 2010

Growth isn't Possible - Why rich countries need a new economic direction, New Economics Foundation, UK pp.148 

Oxfam UK Blog: Degrowth: Is it useful or feasible? A provocative review of a 12 January 2010 public meeting in London UK.

Actes du colloque « Défaire le développement, refaire le monde », 
Paris, 28 fevrier 2002
Table des Matieres

DegrowthPedia: a collaborative information network about degrowth

Brussels degrowth/decroissance conference, 20-22 November 2008
Sustainable development twenty years on: new theoretical interpretations, methodological innovations, and fields of further exploration

Brussels Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth Workshop, April 16, 2009

Ecologia Politica, Barcelona - Numero especial #35, Junio 2008, pp.154
Decrecimiento Sostenible
Texto completo

The roots of de-growth:  Entropy        Entropie

Les acteurs [français] de la nébuleuse décroissance
Voyage dans la galaxie décroissante  Par Fabrice Flipo
Wikipedia re Nicolas Georgescu-Roegen  Francais   English
Wikipedia re Francois Partant     Francais    English

Mapping degrowth together - European Social Forum Workshop on Degrowth, Malmo, 19 september 2008
(Includes links to movements, groups, web sites, etc. in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Catalonia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, US, UK

Call for an English space for
a forum or network, to discuss, popularize, promote both degrowth and/or post-development

Herman Daly, A Steady-State Economy, Presentation made to the UK Sustainable Development Commission, April 24, 2008
See also

World Changing, Ed. Steffen, Forward by Al Gore: A 600 page “encyclopedia”/compendium of alternative models, designs, projects, experiments, etc.

Manifeste Québécois pour une décroissance conviviale
Quebec manifesto for convivial degrowth

Draft Degrowth Book Outline - Bob Thomson, 16 November 2009

Entropy for Dummies

Brussels degrowth/decroissance conference, 20-22 November 2008
Sustainable development twenty years on: new theoretical interpretations, methodological innovations, and fields of further exploration

Development redefined,

CBC Radio Climate Wars series - bibliography